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Towel Art Tuesday: How to make a towel orangutan

Towel Art Tuesday: How to make a towel orangutan

After receiving such a great response from our very first towel animal tutorial, in which we made an elephant out of a hand and bath towel, we decided to turn the videos into a series, #TowelArtTuesday. 

Simply follow our simple, easy-to-follow video and you can make quick and fun towel creations to delight your guests every time. 

Using our Classic 500g Hotel Towels, for this week's towel tutorial we created a towel orangutan, very fittingly in our new burnt orange towels. 

We'd love to see your recreations of this, so be sure to tag us on social media or use the hashtag #TowelArtTuesday! 

Getting creative with guest room presentation is a great way to add some personality to a room and it's a sure-fire way to please any guest, young or old. Keep reading to find out what you'll need and how to make our fun towel orangutan with our step-by-step tutorial. 

Here's what you'll need:

For the orangutan body: 

  • Step 1: Lay the bath towel out flat 
  • Step 2: Roll the towel towards the centre 
  • Step 3: Repeat on the other end until they meet in the middle 
  • Step 4: Fold the rolls over to create four ends 
  • Step 5: Pull out the ends of each roll slightly 
  • Step 6: Holding two ends in each hand, pull the towel apart to create the body, placing aside while you create the orangutan head

For the orangutan head and ears: 


  • Step 1: Lay the towel flat and fold in half 
  • Step 2: Roll a corner towards the centre 
  • Step 3: Repeat on the opposite corner until the two rolls meet in the middle 
  • Step 4: Next, grab your face cloth and roll it into a thin strip (this will create the ears) 
  • Step 5: Place the ears on top of the hand towel so it’s sticking out on both sides, and begin rolling the hand towel 
  • Step 6: Pull the front flap forward to create the mouth, and fold the ears inwards 
  • Step 7: Finally, pop the ‘head’ on to the bath towel body and hang up where desired 


Ta da! You’ve created a towel orangutan!

View the step-by-step video tutorial:

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