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Five ways to go green in 2019

Five ways to go green in 2019


2018 was undoubtedly a pivotal year for raising awareness with regards to what goes in to the products that we buy, use and eventually throw away, and just how much this can impact us and our planet. 

Since shocking, eye-opening and upsetting Blue Planet II series first hit out screens back in 2017, we’ve seen an increasing global awareness and concern regarding our own environmental impact. 

This concern has well and truly infiltrated the likes of social media, and rightfully so, with the creation of 'Plastic-free' Facebook pages, organised beach cleans, and members of the public joining forces to demand a wave of change. 

With growing exposure on the news, businesses, the government and even the EU are addressing these ever-increasing concerns. In January 2018, the EU adopted ‘the first ever Europe-wide strategy on plastics’. Similarly, Theresa May vowed to completely eliminate plastic waste by 2042. And that really got us thinking. 

Once an added bonus, a unique selling point, green credentials and showcasing sustainable practices in the hospitality industry has moved from an extra, to an expectation, and will eventually become a requirement. 

However, going 'green' is not something you can do overnight, nor does it make you a bad host if you still use the odd plastic straw or provide some single-use sachets. 

We get it. 

At Out of Eden, we are constantly doing our research and taking action to cut down our rubbish and paper waste, our carbon footprint and our use of single-use plastics, so we know it's no easy task! We also know that this push to go 'green' is not breaking news, but perhaps making one tiny change to your establishment can make all the difference. 

So, to help you out, we're sharing five ways to go green in 2019. 

1. Become a greener cleaner 

There is often the misconception that green cleaning products are either too pricey or poor quality, but this is simply not the case when it comes to Ecover and Bio D. Though naturally and ethically sourced, the ingredients are still wholly powerful in providing fresh, crisp linens and maintaining that all important fluffiness of your guest’s towels. 

Ecover have recently announced their ambition to make all of their bottled products from PCR by 2020, following the launch and success of new, sustainable packaging for their washing up liquid earlier this year, of which all packaging is made of 100% recycled plastic and is still 100% recyclable. 

2. Reuse and refill 

You buy a bottle of cleaning product, use it up, and throw it in the bin. Maybe even in the recycling if you're giving this 'green' business a good go. But what if there was a way for you to reuse the bottle instead of chucking it in the bin and buying a completely new one? 

Well, you can. Local stores, including Out of Eden, are making it their mission to provide refills for Ecover and Bio D products. 

This is amazing news, and one that will hopefully begin to quell the need for 'virgin' plastics to be created. And, what if we told you you could get 5 or 15 litres of Ecover, Bio D, Cole and Lewis or our Classic Collection delivered right to your doorstep? That's up to 20 refills for that one bottle - just think of all the plastic waste you’re preventing!

3. Say goodbye to single use plastic 

Everyday items such as plastic bottles, cotton buds and plastic straws have faced the brunt of the criticism regarding plastic pollution, as we become increasingly aware of just how much plastic we use in our day-to-day lives. 

Instead of single-use plastic water bottles, try displaying fresh tap water in an attractive glass bottle accompanied by some fully compostable plant-plastic tumblers like Vegware. 

Made from a corn starch base, this is a great and practical way to cut out plastic from your bathrooms.

On your breakfast table, as an alternative to serving-size milk cartons, display some fresh milk in a mini milk bottle on your guest’s welcome tray or breakfast table. 

Instead of providing individual sachets of ketchup, brown sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and vinegar, simply provide your guests with one normal sized bottle of each, when requested. 

Swap plastic straws for reusable metal ones - which won't need replacing half as much as their plastic predecessor - and change your plastic cotton buds to paper based ones. Voila! You're already on your way to reducing plastic waste. 

4. Say hello to eco 

Did you know we have a range of products specially manufactured to be more eco-friendly? 

Take our eco bathmatstowels and Terry bathrobes, for example. Each of these products from the eco collection takes 15% less time to dry than normal. That's good news for you day-to-day, your electricity bill and the environment, spending less time in the tumble dryer. 

We also have the eco kettle, which is particularly popular with our customers. Smaller in size than a domestic kettle, less water is used in filling up the eco kettle and therefore less energy is required to boil it. We don't want to blow our own trumpet, or, er, boil our own kettle, so we'll let this review do the talking:

"I wanted a kettle for predominantly single person use, which was not too heavy on the environment. I had been using a travel kettle which was unsatisfactory for long term. I searched for a hotel kettle as domestic kettles are aimed at family use. I am very pleased with my new kettle! 5*****" - T. Love-Taylor 

5. Buy local and buy 'naked' 

No, in buying ‘naked’ we’re not suggesting you should do your weekly food shop in the nud. We’re recommending you buy your fresh fruit and veg, baked goods and dairy as plastic-free as possible. 

Too often in supermarkets individual food products will be wrapped in layers and layers of unnecessary single-use plastic. Instead, buy naked products. 

The best place to do this is at your local farmer’s market as not only are you cutting down on plastic waste in buying unpackaged produce, as well as reducing your carbon footprint, you’re also supporting your local community and in doing so you’re probably buying better quality, fresher produce, too. 

It’s also a great selling point, and guests love to hear all about locally sourced goods! Whether you take just one of these tips on board, or you’re already doing most of them, whatever changes you make with sustainability in mind are great for you, your business, your guest, and the environment! 

So what change could you make today?

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